Disgraced Identity Thief Peter Gleick: Democracy Under Assault From Liars

Guest essay by Eric Worrall
[First published at Watts Up With That]

Disgraced Identity Thief and liar Peter Gleick has urged fellow scientists to rise up and defend Democracy and climate science from those who misrepresent facts and make false statements.

I’m Marching to Fight the Alarming War on Science. Join Me

TWO NEW PUBLIC marches and demonstrations focused on science and climate change have been scheduled for April. I plan to be at both.

A disturbing array of fundamental social and human values are under assault in the United States. These values—basic human rights, amicable international relationships, environmental justice, free speech, separation of church and state, an open and independent media, and more—form the bedrock of what makes our country special. Yet these values are being undermined in an unprecedented assault by the Trump administration and by politicians who see an opportunity for an unprincipled massive power grab.

One tool being used in this assault on democracy is the uninhibited use of lies, false statements, blatant and intentional misrepresentations of fact, and bad science. This is evident in the rejection of the undeniable reality of climate change by many of Trump’s top appointees, the promotion to power of individuals who reject the fact of evolution in favor of pseudoscience and religious fundamentalism, the spreading of bad medical science around the proven safety of vaccines, and the refusal to study the health risks of guns. …

Peter Gleick impersonated a member of the Heartland Board of Directors to steal documents, then spiced up the swag with a [likely]* forgery when he discovered it didn’t contain anything incriminating, all while serving as chair of the American Geophysical Union Taskforce on Scientific Ethics.

In my opinion Peter Gleick is part of the assault on integrity and ethics, not part of the solution.

Why isn’t Gleick in jail for committing wire fraud and other serious crimes? Why does anyone take him seriously, when self confessed liar Peter Gleick poses as a champion of Democracy and scientific integrity?

Lets hope President Trump finds time in his schedule to look into the shocking failure by authorities to prosecute someone who by his own admission likely committed serious crimes.

[Read the rest here.]

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